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2-week training events of the "ECAMPUZ European World Talent Camp for Uzbekistan Scientists in Food Science and Technology" project are taking place within the framework of the ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE program of the European Union

In the framework program of the European Union ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE, the project "European universal talent camp ECAMPUZ for the students of Uzbekistan and the field of culinary science and technology" was launched in January. The project is financed by the European Union.

The project "ECAMPUZ" has the potential to develop and implement sustainable instruments for the solution of national priorities, connected with the "Ustoychivym rostom i sozdaniem rabochikh mest" (subcategory "Triangular knowledge, innovations") and the sphere of culinary industry in Uzbekistan.

Partnerskie organizatsii proekta ECAMPUZ:

1. Tashkent chemical and technological institute - coordinator;

2. University of Copenhagen (Denmark);

3. University of Estremadury (Spain);

4. Mirzo Ulugbeka of the National University of Uzbekistan;

5. Bukharsk engineering and technological institute;

6. Andijansky Gosudarstvennyy University;

7.Urgenchsky gosudarstvennyy university;

8. The center of transmission technology.

The project will be completed in 2023 and will end in 2025.

Within the framework of the project, on September 18-30, 2023, 5 partner organizations of HEIs of Uzbekistan, namely - Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Andijan State University and The first two-week training course (CAMP 1) of the project was organized for 26 undergraduate, graduate and PhD students from Urganch State University.

This training is necessary to introduce students to modern methods and advanced knowledge covering a wide range of areas in the field of food science, with comprehensive training and training using new innovative methodologies used in EU universities. provides

The participants from the above-mentioned HEIs were selected by the project evaluation commission based on the competition announced in May. In the competition, great attention was paid to the level of knowledge of the English language, general knowledge of the food industry, and the practical knowledge gained during the course.

To conduct the training course ECAMPUZ project at a high level and based on a modern program, representatives of partner organizations in the European Union - 5 professors were invited: University of Copenhagen (Denmark) - associate professor Bekzod Khakimov, assistant Tomasz Pawel Czaja (Tomasz Pavel Chayya) ;

University of Extremadura (Spain) - prof. Jorge Ruiz-Carrascal (Jorge Ruiz-Carrascal), Assoc. Mario Estevez Garcia and Dr. Ana Isabel Andres Nieto (Ana Isabel Andres Nieto). The invited professors and teachers are experts in new, modern and advanced areas of food in the European HEIs and the food industry. is looking to introduce other new directions.

Training topic: Modernization of academic food science and production of primary food products.

Language of training: English

Subjects covered: food chemistry, molecular gastronomy and food analysis.

Number of students: 26

Professors and teachers of European higher education institutions teach Uzbek students modern knowledge in the field of food, innovative technologies and methods of analysis. A conversation is being held with the students about the problems related to food in the world today.

The opening and the first week of the training were held at the "Yoshlar oromgohi" located in Chimyon town, Bostanliq district, Tashkent region. During the week, students listened to lectures on food chemistry, molecular gastronomy and food analysis; they got acquainted with a number of laboratory activities related to molecular gastronomy and food chemistry. Also, 26 applicants were divided into groups and familiarized with tasks to find innovative solutions to food-related problems. In addition to the training program, in their spare time, students were engaged in sports training, various games and mountain hiking with European professors.

Currently, 2 weeks of ECAMPUZ project training (CAMP 1) are underway. On September 25-26, students at the Faculty of Food Technology of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (Tashkent district, Navoi street, 32) and on September 27-28-29, the Center for Advanced Technologies (Tashkent district, Campus, 3A) ) is carried out. In the final week, students apply the knowledge gained in the first week of training in laboratory tests and practical exercises. The last day of the training will end with the presentation defense of the groups and the event.