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The results of the competition for sending young scientists to leading scientific organizations for short-term scientific internships have been announced

In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks defined in the relevant decisions and assignments of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and to send young scientists to leading foreign scientific organizations (centers, universities, etc.) for short-term scientific internships according to their needs, announced by the Innovative Development Agency for "All Science Fields" the results of the competition were finally announced and the leading young scientists of our institute successfully passed it.

In this competition, the following leading young scientists of our institute:

1. Abdurakhmanov is the son of Adiljon Eshmuhamad

2. Kaldarov Albert Ruslanovich

3. Erkinov is the son of Farrukh Batir

4. Salijonova Shakhnozakhan Dilmurodovna

5. Khodjayev Sarvar Fakhreddinovich

6. Khakimova Zulfiyakhan Azizovna

7. Sadikov is the son of Samandar Ibrahimjan

8. Gaipova is the daughter of Shakhnozakhon Saidazim

9. Vyacheslav Vladislavovich Lee

10. Abdusalomova is the daughter of Dildora Adil

11. Koshanova Bibigul Turganbayevna