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A "Military Relay" was held on the occasion of the 688th anniversary of Amir Temur's birth on April 9 as part of "Youth Week".

The baton was opened by the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs Boborajabov Bahadir Nasriddinovich and wished the participants good luck.

During the "Military Relay", Rector's advisor Akramov Olimkhan Akhrorovich, who is responsible for ensuring the stability of the social and spiritual environment among students, gave a master class on the technical characteristics and assembly of the AK-74 training weapon.

"Military relay" in order to increase the military-patriotic spirit of students:

- Running;


- exercise while resting on the ground;

- AK-74 training weapon was distributed and collected.

According to the results of the competition:

1st place: Rustamov Behruz, student of group 23-31;

2nd place: Ganiyev Akromjon, student of group 22-33;

3rd place: Egamov Shamsiddin, student of B21-01u NKM group.

Our record holders:

Exercise in the position resting on the ground:

23-31 group student Rustamov Behruz-78 times;


22-12 group student Tolmasov Shahrukh - 35 times;


22-33 group student Ganiyev Akromjon-9.77 seconds;

On disassembly and assembly of the AK-74 training weapon:

Ganiyev Akromjon, a student of group 22-33 - 11.21 seconds;

We wish all the winners good luck in their future endeavors!