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"ZUMA Pharm" LLC visited the pharmaceutical enterprise.

On November 24 of this year, in order to develop cooperation between the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and modern production enterprises, to ensure the employment of students and to establish the implementation of requirements, at the invitation of the pharmaceutical company "ZUMA Pharm" LLC, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Enterprises and vice-rector for work with educational institutions Shernayev Anvar Normamatovich, Head of the Department of Biotechnology Normatov Anvar Mirzayevich, Head of the Department of Marketing, Practice and Professional Education Mirkomilov Abdurahmon Mirabbosovich, Department of Marketing, Practice and Professional Education The enterprise was visited together with 18 students of Biotechnology and Automation of Technological Processes under the leadership of the leading expert of the department Alimjonov Ma'murjon Murodjonovich, the leading expert of Marketing, practice and professional education department Mavlonov Uchkunbek Rovshanbekovich. 

During the visit, the official employees of the enterprise were closely acquainted with the production process. The enterprise is equipped with the most modern technologies and meets international standards.

After a tour of the enterprise, all the students who visited the enterprise had an initial interview with the enterprise's specialist employees in order to get a job.

The specialists of the enterprise expressed a very good opinion about the knowledge gained by the students of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

In the future, the issues of developing cooperation with the enterprise and ensuring the employment of students were agreed upon.

At the end of the visit, the management of the enterprise paid tribute to the management of the institute and awarded them with a certificate.