On May 17, 2024, in order to help the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology…
A meeting between employers and graduates was held at the Tashkent Institute of…
A literary and educational evening dedicated to the 542nd anniversary of the bi…
"Parents' Congress" was held at the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Inorganic…
The head of the "Analytical, physical and colloidal chemistry" department of th…
The final round of the "Dean's Cup" games of the "Student League" sports compet…
The last lesson of the training courses for tutors was held at the Tashkent Ins…
Today, at the Faculty of Management and Vocational Education of the Tashkent In…
On June 15 of this year, the opening ceremony of the "R&D research center" was …
The team led by the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs T.T. Safarov visited th…
Professors and tutors of the department "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Subst…
The 2nd stage of training for 10+10 students in cooperation between Tashkent In…
In connection with the "National Values" Day on October 31, various competition…
The opening ceremony of the International Scientific Week "Sustainable Developm…
"Preventive conversation aimed at preventing the spread of drugs among young pe…
"CAREER DAY" job fair was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.
A spiritual and educational event was organized on May 9 "Remembrance and Appre…
Under the leadership of faculty tutors at the Faculty of Chemical Materials Tec…
The delegation of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology participated in…
A festive event called "Honor to you, applause to you, dear teachers" was held …
"National Dress Week" was organized at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Techn…
Sports competitions were held under the slogan "Sports health guarantee" at the…
The "Student of the Year 2023" competition was held at the Tashkent Institute o…
The competition "Chemical Youth Olympiad" in the field of chemistry among schoo…
At the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances an event was held…
Adibal Avenue is a place of youth, sports and spirituality.
The Jadids were the luminaries of the nation, who dreamed of a new era of advan…
One-month training courses for tutors are ongoing at the Tashkent Institute of …
On April 3-5 of this year, professors and teachers of the "General Chemistry" d…
Students of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology spend their free time…
1-month training courses to improve the qualifications of tutors are ongoing at…
A report concert program of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology as pa…
"Constitution in new version in new Uzbekistan"
The winners of the "Famous Scientists" and "Ibraim Yusupov" scholarships were d…
A festive event was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology on th…
As part of the International Scientific Week "Sustainable Development and Green…
The delegation of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology visited South Kazak…
Yesterday, professors and teachers of the "Analytical, physical and colloidal c…
The opening ceremony of the International Scientific Week "Sustainable Developm…
Within the framework of the "Green Space" nationwide project, the planting of s…
Training courses for tutors were completed and tests were held at the Tashkent …
Today, the Youth Union of Uzbekistan IBT, the Faculty of Food Technology, the F…
A roundtable discussion was held in the Student Residence of the Tashkent Insti…
1-month training courses were started at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Tec…
1-month training courses to improve the qualifications of tutors are ongoing at…
On November 10 of this year, students of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Tec…
The state of preparation for international accreditation at the Tashkent Instit…
A debate was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology within the f…
On October 12 of this year, the "Entrepreneur and student-youth meeting" was he…
Yesterday at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, the report of the w…