The department was created in 1991, its activities were expanded in 2005 as a result of the addition of the departments of Electrical Engineering and Physics. Since 2023, the department began to function as the Department of Physics and Energy.
The department employs highly qualified and experienced teachers conducting student-oriented teaching to help each student become a good specialist. Currently, the department consist of 5 professors, 6 associate professors, 7 senior teachers, 4 assistants. Scientific potential - 48%.
The department conducts lectures, practical and laboratory classes on the basics of physics, electrical engineering, electronics and applied electronics for students of all educational areas of the institute. In addition, the department trains Bachelors in the study program 60710500 - Energy (in the chemical and food industry).
The department has teaching laboratories in mechanics and molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics and atomic physics, as well as electrical engineering and electronics. The main task of the department is to teach students the basics of physics, electrical engineering and electronics through theoretical training and laboratory experiments.
Aim of the Department – to teach professionals in the area of Energy (in the chemical and food industry), to conduct academic and research activity in physics and electrical engineering, power supply of technological processes at production and processing enterprises of the chemical and food industry, mechanical engineering related to the use of electrical devices and tools, as well as the new innovative technologies in production and organization of energy-efficient production.
Educational activities of the department.
The department conducts lectures, practical and laboratory classes on the following subjects: Physics 1,2; Electrical Engineering; Fundamentals of industrial electronics; Energy supply to industrial enterprises; Electrochemical energy; Renewable energy sources, Hydrogen energy and others.
The professors and teachers of the department are engaged in educational and methodological work. In particular, in 2023-2024 y.y., the professors and teachers of the department published 25 textbooks, teaching aids, monographs, and training courses. Including:
1.U.T.Asatov, G.A.Abdurazzoqova “Fizikadan masalalar to‘plami” o‘quv qo‘llanma, 06.03.2024, Ijod-print, Toshkent.
2. M.A.Tуламетов “Основы физики” учебник, 06.03.2024, Ижод-принт, Ташкент.
3. Umarov I.P. “Elektr yoritish tizimlari” uslubiy qo‘llanma 2024 y. TKTI.
4. Muminova Z.A., Ulug‘murodov N. “Fizika 1” fanidan o‘quv uslubiy majmua. TKTI.
5. Asatov U.T., Muminova Z.A. Fizikadan laboratoriya ishlar to‘plami. 2023. TKTI.
6. Karimova S.T., Muminova Z.A. Physics 1,2 Study programm. 2024
7.G.T.Badalova. “Energetika menejmenti” fanidan amaliy mashg‘ulot bo‘yicha uslubiy qo‘llanma. 2024 y. TKTI.
8.G.T.Badalova “Elektrotexnika va elektronika asoslari” fanidan “Mustaqil ishlarni tashkil qilish” mavzusi bo‘yicha” uslubiy qo‘llanma 2024 y. TKTI.
9.A.I.Xudayberdieva, G.T.Badalova, U.Pirmetov «Fizika» fanidan TKTI va Bo‘stonliq tumanidagi 54-maktab bilan hamkorlikda O‘quv uslubiy qo‘llanma 2024 y. TKTI.
10. A.I.Xudayberdieva, N.X.Ulug‘murodov, Z.A.Muminova S.T.Karimova Fanning o‘quv – uslubiy majmuasi ishlab chiqildi va fanning elektron modul papkasi yaratildi. 2024 y. TKTI.
Scientific activities of the department
Professors-teachers of the department conduct scientific research in the following areas: "Improving the content and methodology of innovative teaching of physics in technical universities (using the example of chemical technology)" (Khudaiberdieva A.I.); "Diagnostics of the physiological state of plants by the laser-fluorescent method" (Mukhamedov A.A., Ernazarov Sh.N.), "Alternative energy issues" (Mamatkulov M.N., Bozorov I.T.), scientific work on the mechanics of liquids and gase, the physical parameters of the movement of gases and liquids in a three-dimensional environment of turbulent flow (Muminova Z.A., Karimova S.T.), "Physics of solar cells with nanoscale inclusions" (Askarov M.A.), "Demineralization and reduction of environmental impact of sizot waters pumped along the ground using an electric drive" (Buribaev Sh.N.), "The influence of temperature field microstructures on energy efficiency in heat transfer and exchange processes" (Akhmedova N., Mamatkulov M.N.), "Formation of experimental competencies in students in practical classes in physics" (Usarov R.R., Yunusova D.I.), “Determination of the elemental composition of food products using gamma rays” (Kayumova M.R., Khudoyberdievа A.I.);
A scientific and methodological seminar is constantly working at the department. The seminars discuss the results of scientific and methodological work carried out by the professors of the department, as well as lectures on topical problems of physics.
The staff of the department is working on the following scientific projects and business contracts:
1. Associate Professor Muminova Z.A. participates in the scientific project I-20/17-4-4 "Creation and implementation of models of intelligent data processing in information systems".
2. Senior Lecturer Askarov M.A. participates in the project 101128871-ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE of the European Union Program - DEBSEUz "Development of a target educational program for bachelors in the field of solar energy in Uzbekistan" (2023-2026).
3. Contract for the training of electricians of JSC "Maxam-Chirchik"
4. The contract for the training of electricians of LLC Kungiradsky Soda Plant.
The teaching staff of the department annually publishes more than 30 articles in foreign and domestic journals; more than 60 articles and abstracts in conference collections.
International communications of the Department. Partner universities and organizations of the Department:
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Higher educational institutions of the state of Belarus, Kungirad Soda Plant, Tele-Radio-Electronic-Communication and Information Technologies, Secondary school No. 1 of Akhangaron district, Tashkent region, Secondary school No. 2 of Buka district, Tashkent region, Secondary school No. 54, Bostonlyk district, Tashkent region.