In 1991, the Department of Fundamentals of Mechanics of Chemical Engineering was created as part of the Faculty of Food Technology of the Institute, and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor B.A. Shipilevsky was appointed head of the department. At the same time, the department is tasked with teaching students studying in the areas of chemical and food technology, the disciplines of "Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics", "Theoretical Mechanics", "Applied Mechanics", as well as creating new relevant literature, conducting research work to improve machines and mechanisms of chemical and food technology.
Since 2001, the department was renamed "Fundamentals of Mechanics and Engineering Graphics", from the 2011-2012 academic year "Machines and Equipment of Food Industry - Fundamentals of Mechanics", from 2021 "Fundamentals of Engineering Graphics and Mechanics" and from 2024 "Fundamentals of Engineering and Mechanics".
Heads of the department: from August 10 to December 1992, Ph.D., Associate Professor. A.T. Turapov, from 1993 to December 2001, Ph.D., Associate Professor. E.I. Turapov, 2002-2003 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. S.Z. Gulamiddinov, 2003-2008 Ph.D., Associate Professor O.A. Ergashev, 2008-2012 Ph.D., Associate Professor. N.R.Barakaev, 2012-2014, 2017-2021 Ph.D., Associate Professor A.N. Shernaev, 2014-2017 Ph.D., Associate Professor T.T.Safarov, 2021-2024 DSc, Assoc. Prof. F.Kh. Ibragimov. Since 2024 to the present PhD, Assistant professor M.Yu.Rakhimov.
Currently, the department employs 1 professor, 5 associate professors, 11 senior lecturers, 8 teacher-interns, a laboratory head and laboratory assistants. The department's teachers give students lectures, conduct practical and laboratory classes in the disciplines of "Engineering and Computer Graphics", "Engineering Mechanics", "Machine Parts", "Materials Science", "Strength of Materials", "Heat Engineering", "Basic Technological Processes and Apparatus", "Theoretical Mechanics", "Theory of Machines and Mechanisms".
The Department of Engineering Fundamentals and Mechanics carries out its educational and scientific activities based on effective methods used by leading world higher education institutions and research groups. The main goal, however, is to contribute to the training of competitive engineering personnel within the disciplines of the department, based on today's requirements.
The teaching staff and research personnel of the department conduct research on the problems of industrial development in the republic, which are relevant for the national economy. Research work is carried out jointly with the Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Strength of Structures named after M.T. Orazbaev of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in collaboration with scientists from the National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek, Tashkent State Technical University named after I. Karimov, State Institution of Culture "Science and Progress" at TSTU, TTESI, Bukhara Institute of Food and Light Industry.