Department of Chemical technology of oil and gas processing

The Department of Chemical Technology of Oil and Gas Refining was established in 1985 as part of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

The Department of Chemical Technology of Oil and Gas Refining trains specialists for enterprises of the chemical, oil and gas refining industry of our republic and for leading research institutes. The department employs 30 professors and teachers, including 6 professors, 14 associate professors, 6 senior teachers, 1 assistant and 3 trainee teachers. Practical areas of oil and gas processing are oil refining, gas processing equipment and installations, improvement of oil and gas refining devices, oil and gas industry, technological machines and equipment, teaching methodologies in the field of oil and gas chemistry and specialists.

High-quality organization of the educational process, coordinated implementation of educational and methodological, scientific, scientific and methodological and educational work, as well as the development of the most effective educational technologies based on the integration of the educational process, project and professional activities, as well as the training and development of technologists who are able to successfully start their working experience in organizations of oil and gas industry.

As a priority task for the development of the scientific and scientific-pedagogical direction of the department, it is necessary to provide conditions for the development of innovative activities of teachers, solve pedagogical and scientific-methodological problems of teaching oil and gas sciences and a communicative approach to learning.

Educational activities of the department.

Disciplines taught at the department (lectures, practical and laboratory): Chemistry and physics of oil and gas, Technology of oil and gas refining 1,2, Gas processing equipment and units, Improvement of oil and gas processing units, Oil and gas industry, technological machines and equipment, chemistry and technology of oil and gas refining

Young teachers of the department are assigned to teachers with scientific potential and, based on their results, participate with articles in Scopus, Web of Science, national and international scientific journals with a high impact factor.

The professors and teachers of the department are engaged in educational and educational-methodical activities. In particular, in 2024, the professors and teachers of the department published 6 textbooks and 20 teaching aids:

1. Turaev TB, Yuldashev TR, Mengliev Sh.Sh., Igamkulova NA, Rakhimov Kh.N., Textbook of technology of hydrocarbon extraction from alternative sources of raw materials (part I)

2. Turaev TB, Yuldashev TR, Mengliev Sh.Sh., Igamkulova NA, Rakhimov Kh.N., Textbook of technology of hydrocarbon extraction from alternative sources of raw materials (part II)

3. Turaev TB, Mengliev Sh.Sh., Igamkulova NA, Rakhimov Kh.N., U.R.Azamatov. Admission to the specialty. Tutorial (Part II)

4. Aripdzhanov O.Yu., Nurullaev Sh.P., Saidov U.Kh., Azimova Sh.A., Azamatov U.R., Mashaev E.E. "Oil and Gas Processing Technology" Textbook. Tashkent: Design Market, 2024.-468 p.

5. Yuldashev T.R., Buronov F.E., Abdirakhimov I.E., B.O. Zhumaboev, Ismailov B.M. Rakhimov H.N. "Technology and Chemistry of the Oil and Gas Industry" Textbook - Tashkent: "Order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 537 dated December 22, 2023, Karshi -2024." - 550 p.

6. E.E. Mashaev “Synthesis, properties and application of bis-carbamates based on cresols” Monograph-Tashkent 2024. -112 p.

Research work.

In recent years, the professors and teachers of the department have prepared more than 20 textbooks and 50 teaching aids. During the 2023-2024 academic year, the department published 100 scientific articles in specialized regional and foreign journals.

There is a student’s club "Oil and Gas Chemist", consisting of groups of talented students selected from among students, master's students and doctoral students. Each talented student is assigned to professors and teachers working at the department. Each student member of this club works with his scientific supervisor within the framework of his scientific topic and takes prizes in various competitions, scholarships and olympiads. In addition, the department annually organizes various educational seminars, exhibitions and round tables together with republican and foreign higher educational institutions, specialists and enterprises in this field.

All teachers of the department are constantly improving their qualifications.

Partners of the department: The work is carried out jointly with foreign partner universities or research institute scientists. The work is carried out at the department jointly with foreign scientists in the field of scientific research and the educational process.

Partner foreign Universities of the department:

1. Baku Higher Oil School.

2. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University

3. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

4. D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia.

​​5. Russian Technological University (Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies)

6. Belarusian State Technological University

7. ​​Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute, Doha, Qatar.

Research and educational work are carried out in cooperation with higher education institutions and scientists from the above countries.


Mengliyev Sherzod Shoimovich
Mengliyev Sherzod Shoimovich Head of the department +998901677444