Information about scientific research centers available at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.
Each scientific research center within the structure of the institute complies with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 20, 2017 "On Measures for the Further Development of the Higher Education System" No. on measures to further expand the participation of economic sectors and sectors in the development" No. PQ-3151, dated May 7, 2019 "On additional measures to improve mechanisms for introducing innovations to economic sectors and sectors" PQ-3698 dated July 14, 2018 "On additional measures to increase the efficiency of commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific and technical activities" PQ-3855 dated July 11, 2019 "Higher and Decisions PQ-4391 "On measures to introduce new principles of management in the secondary special education system" and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 "Uzbekistan R on the strategy of actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" No. PF-4947, dated September 21, 2018 "On approval of the strategy of innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019-2021" No. PF-5544 and " On measures to reform management in the field of higher and secondary special education" No. The year 2021 was opened in accordance with Law No. 630 and Presidential Decree No. PQ-4805 of August 12, 2020 "On measures to increase the quality of continuous education and the effectiveness of science in the fields of chemistry and biology". the list of scientific research centers is here.
Admission Requirements:
General rules; Those who want to carry out scientific work in scientific research centers must be bachelors, masters, doctoral students studying at the institute to which the scientific research centers belong or scientific researchers belonging to another institute can use it based on the order of the rectors of the institute. Therefore, they will have to apply to the rector of the institute.
Minimum requirements; In order to be admitted to scientific research centers or to conduct research, it is necessary to be a bachelor, master or doctoral student. Every researcher can conduct research in the research center of the department where he is studying.
Dates and deadlines; Each scientific research center accepts researchers according to the requirements set out in the regulations, based on its potential. Admission takes place twice a year in spring and autumn.
Submitting a request; Students, master's and doctoral students studying at the institute should apply in writing to the head of the scientific center or scientific staff studying at another institute to the rector of the institute.