Yangiyer branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology

Currently, in the 2021/2022 academic year, a total of 56 professors-teachers are working at the branch, including 1 academic, 4 professors, 7 associate professors (senior lecturers), 17 senior lecturers, and 27 assistants.

A total of 1068 students are studying in 6 educational directions at the branch. Among them, 747 students are in the first year, 196 are in the second year, and 321 are in the distance learning program. The branch has 1 faculty (Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances) operating with 9 majors and 4 departments.

The branch offers the following educational directions:

1. Electrical Power Engineering (branches and majors)

2. Chemical Technology: Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances

3. Chemical Technology: Chemical Technology of Building Materials

4. Food Preservation Technology

5. Food Technology

6. Management (branches and fields)

7. Petrochemical Industry Technology

8. Automation and Management of Technological Processes and Production (branches)

9. Technological Machinery and Equipment (branches)

The scientific potential of the branch is currently at 28.1%.

Reception department: +998955115856