Dear Colleagues!

We kindly invite you to take part in the International Forum “WOMEN IN STEM”, organized by Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology


Opening ceremony as a part of the celebration of "International Day of Women and Girls in Science" of UN.

Plenary session of the International Scientific Forum "Involvement of women and girls in STEM: achievements and problems ".

Format: hybrid (direct/online*)

Venue: Tashkent city.


Meeting – round table " Rising STEM Stars ".

Participants: pupils of the Academic Lyceums, high and technical schools, teachers, professors and scientists.

Format: hybrid (direct/online*)

Venue: Tashkent city. Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

The aim of the International Science Week “Women in STEM”

The aim of the Women in STEM International Science Week is to support and promote active participation of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Within the framework of the “Women in STEM” festival, it is planned to hold a scientific forum “Attracting women and girls to STEM: achievements and problems”, round tables and training seminars with the participation of young scientists and students of the Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute “Rising STEM Stars” for schoolgirls of secondary and vocational education interested in studying STEM courses.

The Forum provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, networking and discussion of role of women in STEM. It also aims to highlight the importance of diversity and inclusion in these fields, and to identify and overcome barriers faced by women in STEM. The forum will include discussion panels, seminars, workshops, masterclasses and sessions of research papers presented by female academics. Ultimately, the goal of the forum is to inspire and support the next generation of women scientists and engineers.


- Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology;

- Family and Women's Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- Research Institute "Family and Gender"

- Center of Women Inventors of Uzbekistan

- Integral University (India)

- South-West University Neofit Rilski (Bulgaria)

Sessions and science areas of the forum:

Session 1. "Green Horizons: Innovations in Science and Sustainability" (chemistry and chemical engineering, food technology and safety, biotechnology, oil and gas processing, energy, astronomy, geology, mathematics, physics, computer science, robotics and IT, technology).

Session 2. "Impact Nexus: Shaping Society's Future" (history, sociology, political science, philosophy, economics, pedagogy).

Session 3. SHEngineers: Designing a Brighter Tomorrow (women in engineering and technology, education, pedagogy, psychology, philosophy).

Registration (mandatory): Forum participants should register before February 1, 2025 on https://forms.gle/o3cNauJkc3q2ogJZ7

Requirements for formatting report abstracts:

Volume of the report – 1 or 2 full pages of A4 format, WORD editor version 6.0 and higher, font - Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing - 1, all margins are 20 mm on all four sides. The title is written in capital letters, centered, from the next line - the full names and names of the authors, e-mail and telephone number for contact, then - the name of the educational institution (name of the university and department), country, after 1 interval the text itself is written.

The material in the report must be new and scientific.

- attention should be paid to ensuring that the content of the report to be included in the collection of reports published within the forum is aimed at solving current problems of science and production, as well as that the requirements for the report comply with international standards, references are taken from journals included in Scopus, Web of Science, Springer and similar databases (responsible - the authors of the reports).

- the name of the file must be named with the name of the organization and the surname of the author (for example, if the author is from the Tashkent State Technical University, with the name “TSTU - Kh. Pulatova”).

Also, the participant must separately write his first name, last name, place of work, position, telephone and telegram numbers and email address.

Abstracts are accepted until February 4, 2025 on e-mail: tkti.conference@gmail.com. After the editorial board accepts the scientific work, it is necessary to pay a registration fee of 250 000 soums (for citizens of Uzbekistan), 150 000 (authors from TICT) or 20 USD (for foreign participants).

The conference fee includes: submission of each abstract to the google scholar platform, 1 certificate for 1 article, Proceedings of forum (electronic form) and its posting on https://doi.org, online/offline participation, coffee break.

Full texts of scientific articles (6-12 pages) by authors that have undergone double review will be published in special issues of international scientific journal “Central Asian Journal of Food Science and Technology”, which are included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan (contact to the secretary conference@tkti.uz). Full texts of scientific articles will be accepted until February 4, 2025. 

Conference materials will be posted on the official website of TCTI after February 28: https://tkti.uz/uz/posts/navbar/konferensiya/

Address and contacts of the organizing committee:

100011, Tashkent, A. Navoi St., 32. Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

Scientific secretary of the conference: Vasila Umarova, tel. +998 97 431-89-77 (Telegram), e-mail: tkti.conference@gmail.com.

The Women in STEM Festival will include a scientific forum "Involvement of women and girls in STEM: achievements and problems" and round tables "Rising STEM Stars" with the participation of young women scientists, master classes of leading experts and scientists from Asia, Africa, Central and South America, Europe, North America, as well as training in chemistry and technology, artistic and musical performances of students, success stories of talented students of the Institute, answer-question section for pupil of schools and technical schools.

The festival “Women in STEM”" is organised as part of the celebration of  “11 February - International Day of Women and Girls in Science” declared by the UN in 2015. The event is included in the list of IUPAC international events: https://iupac.org/gwb/2025/women-and-girls-in-stem/

.The resolution on “Science, Technology and Innovation for Development” adopted by the UN General Assembly on 20 December 2013 states that “equal and full access to science, technology and innovation for women and girls of all ages is a guarantee of gender equality”. On 22 December 2009, the UN General Assembly plenary adopted a resolution declaring 11 February as the "International Day of Women and Girls in Science". Thus, this day became one of the UN's international days.

The activities of the Women in STEM Festival (Women in Science Week 2024) contribute to "empowering all women and girls and achieving gender equality" (Goal 5: Gender Equality), one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals 2030 adopted by the United Nations.

The roundtables "Rising STEM Stars" will be organised at TICT as part of the “Global Women's Breakfast” event widely celebrated around the world on the initiative of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry IUPAC.

The idea of the "Global Women's Breakfast" was born at dawn on 18 January 2011, when women innovators from 44 countries of the world purposefully met and had breakfast together. They also took part in an international networking event in Paris on 27-28 January to mark the official launch of the International Year of Chemistry. To date, around 100 breakfasts have been organised around the world with around 500 women engineers, and the event has become one of the largest gatherings of women scientists in the world. 

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