Department of International Relations

The Department of International Relations organizes activities for international cooperation of the Institute and its subdivisions, faculty and staff with foreign organizations, including foreign higher educational institutions and centers.

Оrganizes the educational and scientific activities of foreign students, contributes to the proper organization of labor and research activities of foreign teachers.

The International Relations Department presents the following activities:

-Develops draft agreements on cooperation between the institute and foreign educational institutions and centers and gives recommendations on their execution;

-Draws up a list of candidates for training to recommend to the leadership of the institute for consideration for advanced training or conducting scientific research in foreign countries, including with the support of the “El-yurt umidi” fund under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as in other international and non-governmental organizations;

-Assists faculties and departments of the institute in the implementation of educational projects with foreign partners;

-Contributes to the involvement of scientists, professors and specialists of foreign countries in the educational process of the institute and the joint conduct of educational, methodological and research work;

-Organizes foreign business trips of the faculty and staff of the Institute, summarizes business trip reports and submits them for discussion by the Council of the Institute.

-Prepares recommendations for the internationalization of the Institute and submits them for discussion by the Council of the Institute

-The International Relations Department is part of the structure of the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of the Institute.

Head of the department
  • Saidakhamadov Saidumarkhon Saidabror o‘g‘li
  • +998970124455
  • Usmonaliyeva E’zoza Jalilovna
  • +998900352901
  • Bayzakova Balnur Saparbekovna
  • +998930521419