Scientific-research, scientific-pedagogical personnel training department


Ensuring the effective integration of science, education and production consists of conducting research on fundamental, applied and innovative projects together with interested organizations and introducing their results into practice, organizing the effective use of the existing potential of the university when conducting practical and innovative research aimed at solving scientific and technical problems , together with research institutes. In addition, the department includes the organization of work to strengthen the material and technical base, increase scientific and scientific-pedagogical potential, and make widespread use of scientific achievements in the training of highly qualified competitive personnel. To ensure timely defense of doctoral dissertations and increase defense rates, it is planned to provide methodological and technical assistance to doctoral students and independent applicants in organizing and conducting research to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DSC).

Ilmiy-tadqiqot, ilmiy-pedagog kadrlar tayyorlash bo‘limi |
Head of the department
  • Ilmiy-tadqiqot, ilmiy-pedagog kadrlar tayyorlash bo‘limi
  • +99899 140 08 05

