Graduate Department

Today, masters are specialists in chemical engineering, ecology, food technology and biotechnology, oil and gas processing, winemaking and management. They develop new technologies and products and achieve new breakthroughs in the industry. The need for these specialists is constantly felt in the labor market, industry, marketing and other leading industries.

Continuous development of high-level research of international importance in the field of chemistry and chemical, food, environmental technology, biotechnology and management. Creation of innovative knowledge, materials and technologies with high efficiency for sustainable development

Xudoyberdiyev Fazlidin Isroilovich |
Head of the department
  • Xudoyberdiyev Fazlidin Isroilovich
  • +99895 324 80 82

The section shows the following types of activities:

It is a leading educational institution in Uzbekistan that trains highly qualified chemical technologists in the fields of chemistry, chemical technology, oil and gas chemical technology, food technology, biotechnology, marketing, management and ecology, and conducts high-quality and up-to-date scientific research. A team of qualified pedagogues and researchers is one of our greatest assets: the results of our research are published in prestigious scientific journals. We implement national and international projects, constantly improve our science and learning equipment, update laboratories and infrastructure.
