Youth Union of Uzbekistan is the leader of the primary organization of the Institute

The following should be defined as the priorities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan:

first, turning the Youth Union of Uzbekistan into a structure that provides effective cooperation with state bodies, non-governmental non-profit organizations and other institutions of civil society in the implementation of the state policy on youth in the republic, and carries out professional activities under the motto "Youth are the creators of the future";

secondly, protecting the rights, freedoms and legal interests of young people, educating them in the spirit of respect for national and universal values, loyalty to the ideas of independence in their minds and hearts, awareness of national identity, love for the Motherland and belonging to its destiny, determination and development of self-sacrifice, protection from various ideological threats;

thirdly, to increase the activity of young people in the reforms related to building a democratic state and developing civil society, to be highly moral, independent-thinking, with a firm life position, a broad worldview and deep knowledge, an initiative, ambitious, and a force for the benefit of the country. to expand the ranks of young people who can mobilize their talent, knowledge and potential, and who are able to take responsibility for the country's future;

fourth, to create suitable conditions for young people to master modern professions, ensure their employment, develop business skills, involve them in small business and private entrepreneurship, encourage their initiatives, and allow them to realize their intellectual and creative potential approval;

fifth, by further increasing the interest of young people in reading scientific and artistic books, including electronic works, by raising the culture of using legal, environmental, medical and information and communication technologies, they will be more aware of various ideological threats, in particular, religious extremism, terrorism, "mass formation of strong immunity against "culture" and other foreign ideas;

sixth, to widely promote the ideas of a healthy lifestyle and the sanctity of the family among young people, to implement effective measures aimed at preventing early marriage and the separation of young families;

seventh, to involve young people, especially the unorganized part, in sports and physical education, creative circles and various training courses, including foreign languages, in order to meaningfully organize their free time;

eighth, to organize purposeful work aimed at providing moral and material support to young families, especially those with limited opportunities and in need of social protection, to create decent housing and social and household conditions for them;

ninth, active participation in early prevention and prevention of delinquency and crime among young people;

tenth, to educate, create a reserve of educated, enterprising, business-minded, honest and self-sacrificing young leaders who will actively participate in the reforms implemented in the country and serve the people's interests faithfully, and recommend them to the responsible positions of state and economic management bodies;

eleventh, further development of international cooperation in the field of youth policy, implementation of activities aimed at protecting the rights and interests of young people studying and working in foreign countries;

twelfth, to provide ideological and methodological support to state and economic management bodies, non-governmental non-profit organizations and other institutions of civil society in organizing youth-related activities. Its main purpose is to educate students and youth in the spirit of loyalty to national and universal values, to expand their spiritual, aesthetic and moral worldview, to protect their thinking from the influence of various foreign ideas, and to educate them as truly selfless and patriotic individuals of independent Uzbekistan. .

The main goal of the primary organization is to protect the rights and interests of students and young people in a higher educational institution, to strengthen their spiritual and ideological worldview, to provide comprehensive support to talented young people and to increase their social activity, to organize their free time in a meaningful way, and to support the implementation of student and youth initiatives.

The start-up organization has the following tasks:

supporting students and young people in a higher education institution, preparing proposals for practical measures aimed at protecting their legal rights and interests;

in need of social protection, orphan and deprived of parental care

organization of social and legal protection of students and young people, as well as participation in the implementation of measures for social rehabilitation and social adaptation of victims of crime, students and young people prone to committing crimes;

educating students and youth in the spirit of love and loyalty to the motherland, instilling in their minds the idea of national independence, national values, religious tolerance, interethnic harmony and family values;

to explain to students the civil rights and duties stipulated in the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to explain to them the essence of the reforms implemented in the field of state policy regarding youth in the country;

assistance in considering and solving the problems and appeals of students;

in-depth education of students, learning foreign languages and modern

implementation of measures aimed at mastering information and communication technologies and directing them to the profession;

to discover talented young people in a higher educational institution, to find them in every way

implementation of activities aimed at support and encouragement, organization of activities of clubs and circles that help to develop intellectual and creative abilities;

wide promotion of reading among young people in a higher educational institution, increasing their love for reading and developing the culture of reading;

formation of ideological immunity among students of higher education institutions against harmful vices, information attacks, religious fanaticism, missionary and extremist ideas under the guise of "mass culture";

development of youth tourism among students of higher education institutions, organization of visits to historical monuments, holy places, museums, theaters, structures built during the period of independence in the area where they live;

to widely promote sports among young people of higher educational institutions, especially women, to support their interest in sports and to create the necessary conditions for their participation in various sports competitions;

organization of promotional events aimed at wide explanation of medical culture, in particular, ways to protect against diseases to the youth of higher education institutions;

by promoting ecology and environmental protection, rational use of natural resources among young people of higher educational institutions, raising environmental culture among them, supporting environmental initiatives.

Bo'riyev Murodjon Ibragim o'g'li |
IBT leader
  • Bo'riyev Murodjon Ibragim o'g'li
  • +998998048540

