According to the Decision PQ-4391 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 11, 2019 "On measures to introduce new principles of management into the system of higher and secondary special education", the Rector of TKTI dated August 12, 2019 Pursuant to Order No. 734 "On the organization of joint educational programs in cooperation with the Belarusian State Technological University and the Mogilev State Food University" in cooperation with the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and the Belarusian State Technological University "Department of teaching on the basis of international joint educational programs" was established within TKTI, and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, associate professor Shernayev Anvar Normatovich was appointed as the head of the department. Today, Shernayev Anvar Normatovich was appointed to the position of vice-rector for work with enterprises and educational institutions, Tashmatov Ravshan Kobilovich was appointed the head of the department.
-training of highly qualified personnel capable of solving important tasks for the development of the republic's economic sectors at the level of international educational standards;
-development of the system of training specialists and scientific-pedagogical personnel at the expense of the integration of education and science, as well as integration into the world educational community;
-development and implementation of new educational programs and forms of training aimed at improving and modernizing the personnel training system;
-organizing the practice of students studying under joint educational programs in foreign partner higher education organizations, in the countries where they are located, and in organizations in other countries;
-supporting the development of pedagogical potential, actively improving pedagogical technologies and teaching methods;
-development and strengthening of long-term relations with leading educational organizations, research centers and business communities of foreign countries in the fields of education and science, and increasing the potential of higher education organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
-holding scientific conferences and seminars in cooperation, organizing internships and implementing international scientific and educational projects.
Starting from the 2018-2019 academic year, the practice of organizing the training of students in joint educational programs and issuing bilaterally recognized diplomas was introduced based on the mutual agreement of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and foreign partner higher education institutions.
Today, there are 14 undergraduate education programs from the foreign partner higher education institutions of Belarus with the Belarusian State University of Technology, the Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies, the Grodno State University named after "Yanki Kupala", the OSTIM Technical University of the Republic of Turkey, and the Latvian University of Natural Sciences and Technology. A total of 218 students and 15 masters are studying in 6 master's specialties.
The department offers "2+2" full-time education for undergraduates, "4+1", "3+2" part-time education and "1+1" full-time education for masters. training of specialists on joint educational programs has been launched.
Currently, 22 bachelor's students and 8 master's students, who are studying full-time on the basis of the "2+2" joint education program, have completed the first stage of their studies and are continuing the second stage of their studies at partner universities abroad. Students are regularly provided with discounted air tickets.
Admission quotas for the academic year 2023-2024 The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation has allocated 35 quotas for master's degrees. Documents were received from applicants online through a newly established platform by the Admissions Committee. All admission processes are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 6, 2021 "On the procedure for organizing educational activities based on joint educational programs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign partner higher education organizations on" is carried out in accordance with the procedure established in Resolution No. 421.
Applications for personnel training were received from about 10 large production enterprises of economic sectors for the admission quotas, and 7 students were accepted for the master's degree.
Today, on the basis of the "2+2", "3+2" and "4+1" joint educational program concluded with the Belarusian State University of Technology, there are a total of 165 full-time and part-time undergraduate students, of which 16 are in the 2nd year, 3 - 37 students in the 4th year, 63 in the 4th year, 49 in the 5th year and a total of 4 students in the "1+1" joint master's education program, including 2 in the 1st year and 2 in the 2nd year they bring education.
A total of 38 full-time and part-time undergraduates, including 8 in the 2nd year and 12 in the 3rd year, on the basis of the "2+2" and "3+2" joint educational program concluded with the Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies , 18 students in the 4th year and a total of 4 students in the "1+1" joint education program of the master's degree, of which 4 students are studying in the 2nd year.
A total of 2 people in the "1+1" joint education program of the master's degree in the form of full-time education based on the "1+1" joint education program concluded with OSTIM Technical University of the Republic of Turkey, 2 of them in the 2nd year students are studying.
A total of 3 people, including 1 - 3 students are studying in the course.
A total of 2 students in full-time master's degree "1+1" joint educational program based on the "1+1" joint educational program concluded with the Latvian University of Natural Sciences and Technology, among them in the 1st year 2 students are studying.
The department has a head of the department, a deputy head of the department, a designer and 6.0 staff members in 3 main staff and 9 deputy professors, 2 of whom are foreign citizens. teachers are working.
The scientific potential of professors is 58%.
Research directions in the department:
- Material science in mechanical engineering, chemistry and technology of composite materials;
- Deformable solid mechanics;
- Life safety;
- Chemical and food processes and devices;
- Building materials;
- Food technology
International foreign higher education institutions in cooperation
- Belarusian State Technological University;
- Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies;
- Yanki Kupala Grodno State University of Belarus;
- OSTIM Technical University of the Republic of Turkey
- Latvian University of Natural Sciences and Technology
Partner research institutes
- DUK "Science and Development";
- Institute of Seismic Strength of Mechanics and Structures named after M.T. Orazboyev of the UzRFA;
- Tashkent Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology
- Institute of General Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Federation
- BelFA Scientific Research Institute of Mechanics and Metallopolymer Systems named after Bely, Belarus
Partner modern production enterprises
- a group of companies under the "ARTEL" brand;
- "Artel" innovative training center;
- "Technopark" LLC;
- Kungirot Soda Plant LLC;
- Ozdonkhsulot AK;
- JSC "Tashkentdon products";
- "Galla-Alteg" JSC
A new stage of cooperation in science and technology