Center for Digital Learning Technologies

The center plans its activity and development in terms of developing software and multimedia products and other products, provided services and types of work, and determines the expansion of the center's production, social and material-technical base.

Conducts contractual relations with customers and suppliers of technical resources and devices on the types of services and work provided.

The Center shall refer to the orders of economic entities and natural persons in the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Regulations of TKTI can be performed on the basis of the contract in the specified order.

The department of information and technical support is the main department for the introduction of new information and communication technologies into the educational process at the university and is subordinate to the vice-rector of scientific affairs.

The activity of the department of information and technical support is carried out in accordance with the Law "On Education", normative documents and orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, the charter of the institute and this regulation. will be organized based on the plan approved by the vice-rector.

The head of the department of information and technical support is appointed and dismissed by the rector, according to the proposal of the vice-rector of academic affairs, in accordance with the established procedure.

The department of information and technical support reports on its activities to the rector of the institute, the vice-rector of academic affairs, as well as to the scientific council of the institute once a year.

The structure of the department of information and technical support and according to the proposal of the vice-rector of academic affairs and approved by the Ministry of Finance with OO'MTV, the staff is approved by the rector in accordance with the 'Model staff of management, service and technical staff of higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Tasks are distributed among the employees of the information and technical support department by the head of the department. The rights and duties of the employees of the information and technical support department are developed and implemented in accordance with the goals and tasks of the department, as well as the current legislation. is determined by service instructions approved by the vice-rector of academic affairs.

organization of information marketing;

application of works in the field of information technologies and multimedia systems to the fields of higher education and science;

development of distance education and training, organization of its didactic and methodical support, creation of electronic versions of lectures;

providing mutual information relations with foreign countries and organizations, libraries, scientific research institutes, enterprises and higher educational institutions in the republic;

providing Internet and e-mail services, searching for information on specific topics and offering addresses where they are located;

organization of service for computing equipment, computers, their repair and modernization;

design, implementation and adjustment of information-computer networks and systems.

Axmedov Jamol Muminjon o'g'li |
Head of the department
  • Axmedov Jamol Muminjon o'g'li
  • +998933373335

Includes sections:

  1. Information systems implementation department
  2. Information Security Department
  3. Technical support department
  4. Network management department

The center plans its activities and development in terms of the development and creation of software, multimedia and other products, services provided and types of work, as well as expanding the production, social and material and technical base of the center.

Regarding the types of services provided and work with customers and suppliers of technical equipment and devices, all relationships are conducted on a contractual basis.

The Center can fulfill orders of business entities and individuals on the basis of contracts in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Regulations on TCTI.

Economic activities in all areas are carried out with other organizations, enterprises, individuals and legal entities on the basis of contractual restrictions. The Center has the right to freely choose the subject of the agreement, obligations and other conditions of economic relations, if this does not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Regulations on TCTI.
