Education quality control department

In accordance with Appendix 3 of the Decree No. PF-269 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 21, 2022 "On Measures to Implement Administrative Reforms of New Uzbekistan" from January 1, 2023 under the Cabinet of Ministers that the tasks and functions of the glue quality control inspection were divided between the Ministry of Preschool and School Education and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, as well as the Department of Quality Control of Education within the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Paragraph 6.3 of the minutes of the meeting No. 2 of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 10, 2023 and the Ministry's order of March 27, 2023 "Education Quality Control Departments in State Higher Education Institutions" In accordance with the Order No. 72 "On Improvement of Activities", its activities were studied and reorganized. The department is accountable to the Department of Organization, Licensing, and Quality Assurance of Educational Institutions under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The main goal of the department is to study and analyze the compliance of the knowledge of TKTI students with state educational standards, monitor the quality of personnel training, organize internal certification of TKTI and the negative impact on the quality of education according to its results. is to identify the contributing factors and take measures to eliminate and prevent them.

To‘rayev Tolib Bozorovich |
Head of the department
  • To‘rayev Tolib Bozorovich
  • +99871 244 35 72

The department for quality control of education conducts its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", decisions of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan decrees, decisions and orders, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Department of Organization, Licensing, Food Quality Assurance of the Activities of Educational Institutions under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and TKTI conducts in accordance with the orders and legal instructions of the rector, as well as the Regulations of the department.

The educational quality control department performs the following functions in accordance with the tasks assigned to it:

-Implements activities and measures for the organization of systematic control in order to ensure the quality of education in TKTI in accordance with STS and qualification requirements, to increase the effectiveness of the educational process;

-Focuses its main activities on determining the quality of education based on the established criteria, developing a mechanism for its implementation and determining directions for its implementation, and coordinating this process;

-Examines whether educational areas and specialties are covered by regulatory legal documents;

-Analyzes the level of provision of students with textbooks and training manuals (including electronic textbooks and manuals) and their compliance with modern requirements in the field of education and specializations and languages;

-Analyzes the suitability of the basic information of TKTI professors and teachers to the subject(s) they teach, or examines whether they have undergone appropriate retraining or have a scientific title, degree in a suitable specialty, and reports the conclusions to the rector of the institute. makes known;

-Examines the state of use of advanced pedagogical and information communication technologies in the educational process and makes appropriate proposals for their improvement;

-That scientific research works are carried out based on consumer requirements, the participation of TKTI professors and students in scientific research works (fundamental, practical, innovative, etc.) learns about;

-Analyzes the availability of modern material and technical support, teaching-laboratory equipment, computers and the level of their effective use in TKTI (faculty, department, department, center, academic lyceum);

-Examines the integration of education with production and science, the level of use (effectiveness or ineffectiveness) of the institute's production potential in training personnel and creating scientific and technological solutions in cooperation;

-Improvement of the qualification of pedagogical personnel in direct production (regular or irregular) and consumer market in educational directions to implement educational processes depending on the development of advanced technologies in their field analyzes research (on the basis of marketing services);

-Analyzes the involvement of scientific-research institutes, production enterprises and organizations, and qualified specialists of foreign countries in the educational process;

-Examines the relevance, quality, and to what extent they are introduced to the production of graduate qualification works and master's dissertation topics performed by students;

-Analyzes the activity of training of highly qualified personnel through the basic doctoral studies, doctoral studies and independent research institute of TKTI;

-Analyzes cooperation activities of TKTI with secondary special and vocational education institutions;

-The plan, content and implementation of spiritual and educational work at TKTI (on the basis of minutes), the involvement of professors and teachers in educational work, the spiritual and social environment in the educational institution, the moral image of pedagogical staff (survey based on) learns;

-Determines whether the TKTI information-resource center fund is provided with the necessary literature, the number of professors and teachers and students who use them;

-Analyzes graduates' admission to the next stage of education or employment;

-Analyzes the participation of parents and employers and other interested parties in the activity of the patronage council and in the educational process;

-Makes proposals for determining the rating of professors and teachers;

-Periodically monitors the effectiveness of independent education of students;

-Pmonitors the effectiveness of learning foreign languages by the management of the institute, professors, teachers, employees and students;

-examines the impartiality and transparency of the rating points based on a selective analysis of the control results for the assessment of student knowledge and prepares proposals;

-analyzes whether the final state attestations were conducted in compliance with the current regulatory legal documents and their results;

-In TKTI (faculty, department, department, center, academic lyceum), the pedagogue conducts internal monitoring in order to determine the professional qualification of employees, as well as the level of quality in post-university education, professional development and retraining. , prepares analytical data, presents them to the head of the Department of Education and the rector of the institute in the established order;

-In order to improve the quality of personnel training and the level of students' knowledge at TKTI, it constantly conducts social surveys among students, parents, professors and teachers, and consumers of personnel;

-based on the comparison of the institute's activity with the indicators of determining the quality of international education, it develops measures with the appropriate structural structures for it to occupy a worthy place in the world ranking;

-The establishment of international cooperation in TKTI, the exchange of students, basic doctoral students, doctoral students, scientific staff on the basis of contracts with foreign countries, the organization of international scientific events in the field of science (seminar, conference, symposium, etc.), scientific research carried out on the basis of foreign grants - to analyze the research works, the attraction of foreign investments and make suggestions for the development of this field;

-studies the experience of prestigious educational and scientific centers of foreign countries developed at the expense of the "Talent" fund of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or international projects and HEIs and applies them to the educational process in order to improve the professional skills of the department's employees reaches;

-Participates in the collection of information related to the determination and evaluation of the rating of HEIs carried out by the Department of Education, as well as in the performance of other assignments and tasks;

-In order to raise the rating of TKTI to the international level, he organizes work in cooperation with the management of the institute to send experienced professors and young specialists on a business trip to study foreign experience and to apply their results to the educational process;

-constantly studies the innovations related to the control of the quality of education in the republic and foreign countries and develops recommendations on their application to the educational process;

-Submits proposals based on the results of studies on improving the quality of education at TKTI to the management of the institute.
