Network center "Retraining and professional development of pedagogical personnel" under TICT

Carries out activities for the development of academic lyceums, vocational schools and technical schools. The Institute sets itself the task of providing teachers with knowledge and qualifications in academic subjects, creating opportunities to use educational literature and methodological developments of departments of secondary specialized and vocational education, jointly creating educational literature, teaching aids, pedagogical technologies and attracting the potential of professors and teachers of the Institute to improve the quality education in academic lyceums, vocational schools and technical schools.

Cooperation with academic lyceums, vocational schools and technical schools;

Ensuring the constant participation of professors and teachers of the institute in the preparation of curricula, scientific programs and examinations of vocational schools;

Ensuring the creation by the teaching staff of an institute of educational literature of a new generation for institutions of secondary specialized and vocational education;

identifying talented students from academic lyceums, technical schools and vocational schools, involving them in research activities;

Providing practical support in the development of computer and Internet literacy skills among teachers of academic lyceums and vocational schools, mastery of a foreign language and the skills of its practical use, advanced educational technologies and the effective use of information and communication means in the educational process;

Actively involving teachers of academic lyceums, technical schools and vocational schools, especially young talented teachers, in the research process, supporting the training of doctors of science in subjects taught in academic lyceums, technical schools and vocational schools (including on a targeted basis);

Conducting various round tables, events, competitions, training seminars;

Attracting students from the academic lyceum at the institute to higher education institutions, as well as ensuring the employment of students who did not enter the university in the “Applicant Headquarters”;

Organization of methodological seminars at the institute with the participation of teachers from academic lyceums, technical schools and vocational schools;

Attracting experienced professors and teachers of the institute to teach in academic lyceums and vocational schools on part-time and distance learning;

Ensuring the participation of teachers of academic lyceums, technical schools and vocational schools in open classes of the teaching staff of the institute;

Creation of conditions for teachers and students of academic lyceums, technical schools and vocational schools to use the information and resource center of the institute and its classrooms;

Implementation of measures to interact with the issues of directing graduates of academic lyceums, technical schools and vocational schools to a specialty and their employment;

Sending graduates of the institute to work in accordance with the needs of academic lyceums, technical schools and vocational schools;

Organization of scientific-methodological and scientific-practical conferences and seminars in academic lyceums, technical schools and vocational schools, assistance in the formation and development of international educational and research ties between academic lyceums and vocational schools, participation of teachers and students in international scientific and educational grants;

Organization of spiritual and educational work in academic lyceums and technical schools, productive organization of students’ free time, provision of practical support in the implementation of activities aimed at developing in students love and loyalty to the Motherland, strong immunity against various vices inherent in our people, religion and history;

Inviting heads of academic lyceums and vocational schools to “Career Week” to employ graduates of the institute and providing them with information about personnel studying at the institute, as well as providing practical assistance in concluding employment contracts.

Mirzaqulov Xoltura Choriyevich |
  • Mirzaqulov Xoltura Choriyevich
  • +998909283060



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