Scientific directions of the conference.
1. Problems of modern oenology and their innovative solutions.
2. Development prospects of industrial viticulture in Uzbekistan.
3. The main principles of the development of the confectionery and sugar industry.
4. Modern Microbiology and Biotechnologies of the food and beverage industry.
Students of the formalization of conference materials
-Scientific theses should be 2 full pages.
- The text is written using Microsoft Word editor in Times New Roman font, 12pt size, 1 space, with 2 cm margins on all four sides. The name of the subject is written in the middle in large bold letters, and the author's F.I.Sh.., scientific degree and title, place of work (or study) and position, phone number are indicated in the next line. Images must be made in a jpg or bmp graphic editor.
-The authors are responsible for the scientific, theoretical and methodological basis of the information presented in theses, and for the correctness of the indicated sources.
The full texts of the scientific articles deemed the best by the reviewers will be published in a special issue of the international scientific journal "Central Asia Journal of Food Science and Technology" listed by the Higher Attestation Commission.
-Conference materials should be sent to the organizing committee of the conference to the address or +998994941242 via the Telegram network by October 10, 2023. The scientific collection of the conference will be published electronically within 10 days after the conference.
Participation in the conference is free.
Official languages of the conference: Uzbek, Russian and English.
Address: Postal code: 100011. Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, A. Navoi street, 32. Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.
Responsible for receiving conference proceedings:
Abdullayeva B.A. Zokirova M.R. Khakimova S.Sh