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A spiritual and educational event was organized on May 9 "Remembrance and Appreciation" Day in Adiblar Avenue.

Today, a spiritual educational event was organized in Adiblar Avenue with the participation of professors and students of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology. In particular, the Department of Informatics, Automation and Management of the Faculty of Food Products Technology, the Department of Engineering Graphics and Fundamentals of Mechanics, the Department of Cellulose and Wood Technology of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Fuel and Organic Compounds, the Department of Chemical Technology of Oil Refining, Chemical Technology of Gas Processing professors and students of the Department of Technology and the Department of Basic Organic Synthesis Technology participated.

The professors and teachers who participated in the event said in a mutual conversation that the avenue of writers celebrated in Tashkent in 2020 is not only a place of spiritual sharing, but also a park that invites young people to deepen their interest in literature and the lives of writers. they kidded. The gathered students memorized the works of writers.

At the end of the event, those gathered proudly put on their chests the ribbons of honor in connection with the May 9 "Day of Remembrance and Appreciation".