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14 февраля текущего года при участии доктора химических наук, академика Гафара Рахмонбердиева и доктора химических наук Арслонназара Хусенова, работающих в Ташкентском химико-технологическом институте, интересующихся химией в спе

On February 14 of this year, with the participation of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Academician Gafar Rahmonberdiyev and Doctor of Chemical Sciences Arslonnazar Khusenov, working at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technologies, interested in chemistry in specialized educational institutions at the Yangiyer branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technologies and at the Presidential School in Gulistan. meetings with talented young people were organized.

On February 14, the doctor of chemical sciences, academician of the Kazakhstan and New York Academy of Sciences, Nobel medal laureate, Professor Rahmonberdiyev Gafar Rahmonberdievich visited the Yangiyer branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology. Under the leadership of the director of the academic branch Z.T. Khakimov, he got acquainted with the activities of the Higher Education Institution, the conditions created for students, laboratories, classrooms and modern computer rooms.

After that G.R. Rahmonberdiyev met with the students. During the meeting, he told academic

students about his scientific activity and work experience. Also, students' questions were answered.

For information, Academician G.R. Rahmonberdiyev was awarded with the Order of "Labour Fame". He founded the "Cellulose and Wood Technology" department, the only one in Central Asia. Under his leadership, 10 doctors of science and 25 candidates of science were trained.