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Today, the regional forum of the "Education USA" program of US universities and Central and South Asian countries started its work in our capital. Rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich participated in it with his lecture.

"Education USA" is an educational program of the US State Department, and its forums are organized annually in different countries. The city of Tashkent was chosen to host this year's forum.

The main purpose of this program is to attract citizens of foreign countries to study at US universities. The US Embassy is the coordinator of this program abroad.

The forum is attended by representatives of the US State Department and more than 50 American universities, in particular, managers and employees of the international cooperation department, marketing and attracting foreign citizens to study in US universities, and officials of the US embassy in our country.

Also, representatives of the "Education USA" program from a total of 10 Central and South Asian countries, including Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan, are participating in the conference.

Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Sarvarkhan Buzrukkhanov took part in the opening event of the forum and warmly welcomed the participants.

It is known that this academic year 25 American teachers and specialists arrived in Uzbekistan and started their activities in higher education institutions.

Direct inter-university cooperation between the universities of Uzbekistan and the USA is developing day by day in various modern science and educational areas. These cooperation relations can be seen in the improvement of the educational process, the introduction of modern pedagogical and information technologies, participation in joint scientific programs, and the improvement of the qualifications of teachers.

Also, in cooperation with the American Councils on International Education (ACIE), in recent years, training courses for teachers of several dozen republican higher education institutions at US universities, a number of long and short-term training courses was established.

In the opening part of the conference, the representatives of the US Embassy in our country and the rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich also gave a speech.

Speeches and presentations will be held during the 3-day forum on issues related to the educational programs of American universities, the conditions and procedures for admission to these universities. One of the sessions of the forum was devoted to issues of cooperation with universities in Uzbekistan and admission of citizens of Uzbekistan to US universities.