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On April 1-2 this year, scientists from a number of technical higher education institutions and scientific research institutions visited the Basalt Uzbekistan enterprise located in Forish district of Jizzakh region.

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and Innovation Pulatov Khairulla Lutpullayevich, Vice-Rector for Work with Enterprises and Educational Institutions Shernayev Anvar Normamatovich, Head of the Department of Commercialization of Scientific-Innovation Developments Ne'matillo Mardanov, Engineering Professor Farhod Rakhimov of the Department of Graphics and Fundamentals of Mechanics also visited this enterprise.

During the visit, they got acquainted with the company's activities, company officials, manufactured products, and existing technological problems.

A working meeting on solving technological problems was held at the meeting. A roadmap for solving existing technological problems, producing new products, preparing a scientific-educational production cluster, and improving the skills of employees was developed at the enterprise.

An agreement was reached on the conclusion of business contracts with the institute on the solution of technological problems at the enterprise. Also, they got acquainted with the activities of the Youth Technopark established at the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute.