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The essence of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Status of the Pedagogue" was explained.

B. N. Boborajabov, the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs, attended the meeting. speaking about the essence of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Status of the Pedagogue", including ensuring the professional activity of the Pedagogue, the rights of the Pedagogue, the obligations of the Pedagogue, payment for the work of the Pedagogue, the status of the Pedagogue responsibility for violation of the legislation and other issues were brought to the meeting.

The Law "On the status of a teacher" was signed

O'RQ-901, 01.02.2024. The law establishes the rights, obligations, basic guarantees of the activities of teachers, the principles of remuneration, incentives and social protection. The rights, honor, dignity and work reputation of the teacher are under the protection of the state.

According to the law, inter alia, the following are prohibited:

involving the pedagogue in work unrelated to his professional activities, including landscaping and agricultural work;

require the pedagogue to form and submit reports and other information not related to his professional obligations, including reports on the employment of graduates;

imposing on the pedagogue the obligation to purchase goods and services, including deducting funds for goods and services from the salary without his written consent.

Source: O'RQ-901, 01.02.2024.