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Response to rumors spread on Telegram channels!

At the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, "the teachers are being forced to take 270,000 soums to the institute. It is said that we have to come to the class in special clothes (spes odejda) at the institute of chemical technology, and at least a suit was chosen as a special outfit, and the sign "Institute of Chemical Technology" was written on the suit.

It should be noted that in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Status of the Pedagogue", a pedagogue must, first of all, observe the rules of pedagogical ethics while performing his professional activities, be an example to young people, and also It is necessary to respect the honor and dignity of the university where he works.

At the meeting of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology on July 1, 2024, in order to increase the respect of young people towards teachers, to create the image of a prestigious pedagogue and the brand of the institute (dress code), a costume for professors, teachers, leaders and employees of the institute the issue of introduction (not mandatory) was discussed, supported and approved by the council members.

The price of each suit is set at 270,000 soums by the company "EXPRESS TEXTILE SERVICE" LLC for the preparation of suits. 340,000 soums were awarded to teachers, leaders and employees.

In order to prepare suits for the new academic year, on July 10 of this year, specialists of "EXPRESS TEXTILE SERVICE" LLC visited the institute, took measurements of suits, and invited professors, teachers, managers and employees. The costs of the suit (270 thousand soums) were paid by professors, teachers, leaders and employees to the company's managers, and the heads and employees of the institute did not participate in the process of accepting payments.

It should be noted that no one was forced to this process, on the contrary, the introduction of a suit with the logo of the institute was supported by the team of the institute. Moreover, it is not mandatory anywhere that employees should wear these suits all the time.

In addition, tarnishing the reputation and reputation of the institute by anonymously publishing false information on social networks, as well as spreading unsubstantiated information about the employees of the institute, various incitements, We remind you that conspiracy, defamation is a cause of liability in accordance with the law.