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Students of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology spend their free time meaningfully

Tutor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances Matqurbonova Marjon and her students visited the "Victory Garden" and the "Glory" museum dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the victory over fascism in the Second World War. This place, which reflects the glorious history of the Uzbek people during the Second World War, the heroism, courage and fortitude of our motherland, high human qualities, makes a great contribution to the education of the young generation in the spirit of loyalty to the motherland. The war and its consequences in the garden. The complex shows wartime scenes, including trenches and barracks, field kitchens and other pictures, the military equipment and weapons of that time, the courage, hard work, and hardships of the people of Uzbekistan at the front and behind the front. alami, as well as his great contribution to the great victory achieved, is highly expressed.

Tutor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, U. Sh. Qurbanova, together with her students, visited the "Eastern Miniature Art Museum named after Kamoliddin Behzod". During the visit, the students got to know the museum closely. Sharq Miniature School, to fully study and promote the creative heritage of Kamoliddin Behzod and his followers, to introduce the art of calligraphy, calligraphy, miniature art and the technologies of their creation, to organize republican and international scientific conferences dedicated to certain scientific problems of miniature schools, fine and applied art, art This museum, which serves to form the feelings of national and universal human values, respect and pride for our priceless historical and cultural heritage, loyalty and love for the Motherland in the minds of the young generation, made a great impression on the students through its works.

22-46 groups of students assigned to the faculty tutor of the faculty of winemaking technology and industrial viticulture Z.U.Bolikulova visited together the memorial museum "Katazhon victims" in Tashkent. they visited in order to educate in the spirit of respect for his memory. During the visit, the students received answers to their questions from the museum administration.