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A Festival called "Honor to you, applause to you, dear teachers" was held in the student accommodation of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

The rector of our institute Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich, vice-rectors, deans, heads of departments, professors and teachers, honorary teachers, guests and students took part in this festival.

At the beginning of the event, the national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was played, after which the rector of our institute, B.Sh. Usmanov, congratulated all professors and teachers on the holiday. r is so high. In particular, they emphasized that our professors and teachers play a key role in increasing the potential of our institute and training modern educated, practical experienced and broad-minded personnel for today's labor market.

In particular, the members of the women's council of our institute, educator and pedagogue S. Mirzayeva, psychologist M. Nazarova jointly held the pageant "Arasta girls" within the framework of the festival. In this pageant, the girls competed in artistic and musical performances, question-and-answer and cooking of sweet dishes.

The team headed by the rector of our institute, who visited to see the process of conducting the "Arasta girls" competition, wished good luck to all the participants and told the organizers about the importance of such events. After that, Aripova Mastura Khikmatovna, head of the department of technology of silicate materials and rare metals of our institute, holder of the "Higher education excellence" badge, said that our girls will become better engineers than women, and that our girls are already working on themselves in their fields in the future. He emphasized that they should make a great contribution to the development of Uzbekistan as mature specialists.

The rector of our institute was once again convinced that the students of our institute are filling their free time with useful activities while observing the sports competitions, selection processes and organized clubs. In fact, all conditions have been created in the student accommodation for students to meaningfully organize their free time, guide them based on their talents, protect them from various foreign ideas and work on themselves. Including sports hall, information resource center, spiritual room, classroom and music rooms.

At the festival, students entertained the visitors by performing various music with the help of musical instruments. As part of sports competitions and contests, table tennis, tug-of-war, chess and checkers, drawing, and writing essays on the theme of Teachers' and Coaches' Day were held.

Our student institute won sports competitions and contests held in the student accommodation of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology on the occasion of "October 1 - Teacher and Mentor Day" in the framework of the Festival called "Honor to you, applause to you, dear teachers". were ceremoniously awarded by the management.

In particular, the students who scored results in the "Arasta Girls" competition, the "Best Essay" competition, the "Best Drawing" competition, the tug-of-war competitions, and the table tennis tournament were awarded as follows:

500,000 soums for 1st place;

400,000 soums for 2nd place;

Prizes of 300,000 soums were presented for the 3rd place.

A dinner was served for the guests who visited the Festival, which was held in the student residence.

On the occasion of "October 1 - Teacher and Mentor Day" in the student accommodation of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, a festive table was prepared for the guests, professors and students who visited the Festival called "Honor to you, applause to you, dear teachers".

120 kg of soup was weighed in two pots for the visiting guests.

The Festival, which took place in the student residence, was accompanied by songs and dances prepared by guest artists and our creative students.

In particular, the artist Kumush, who has taken a deep place in the hearts of our youth with his songs, and the talented and active students of our institute, shared their mood with artistic performances, songs, stage performances and dances. 

Parents and neighborhood activists also visited the Festival, which was held in the student residence.

At the end of the festival, Boborajabov Bahodir Nasridinovich, the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs of our institute, Kadirov Bobiromon Bekmurodovich, the vice-rector for finance and economic affairs, and the visiting parents spoke. speaking about the wide opportunities given by the government of our country to education, honoring the status of professors and teachers, and to students, they emphasized that we should answer this with our work and knowledge.

The visiting parents also spoke about the importance of such events in the development of the young generation and expressed their gratitude to the management of the institute and the organizers of the festival.