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The delegation of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology visited South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov located in Shymkent, Kazakhstan.

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Materials Technology Sh.B. Bukhorov, Deputy Dean N.Sh. Zulyarova, Head of the "Analytical, Physical and Colloidal Chemistry" Department D.A. Khandamov, associate professor of the department O.S. Bobokulova, associate professor of the department "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances" M.E. Kenzhayev and professor of the Yangiyer branch of TKTI I.I. The Usmanovs visited South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov located in Shymkent, Kazakhstan.

South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov is the largest and multidisciplinary university of Kazakhstan, a scientific, educational, intellectual, cultural center of the region and one of the brightest brands in the field of higher education of the republic.

During the visit, the rector of Kazakhstan State University, Daria Kojamzharova, familiarized herself with the existing departments, faculties, departments, university library, scientific center. During the visit, professors and teachers participated in the "Education and Innovation" exhibition. 

Today, the dean of the Faculty of Chemical Substances Technology Sh.B.Bukharov, the deputy dean N.Sh.Zulyarova, the head of the department "Analytical, physical and colloidal chemistry" D.A. Khandamov, associate professor of the department O.S. Bobokulova, associate professor of the department "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances" M.E. Kenzhayev and professor of the Yangiyer branch of TKTI I.I. The Usmanovs are upgrading their skills at the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, located in Shymkent, Kazakhstan, on the course "Modern Technologies of Education".

It includes the following modules:

- Credit technology of education in higher educational institutions;

- Basic principles of student-centered education, teaching and evaluation;

-Methodical provision of higher education institution activity;

-The transformational trend of education: the role and influence of the teacher.

During the training, experience is shared in the "Chemical and pharmaceutical engineering" department and the "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" department.

Traveling not only provides a person with meaningful leisure and pleasant moments, but it is also possible to gain experience, knowledge, and a broad outlook. Especially ancient settlements can take you to the depths of distant and ancient history.

One of such wonderful places is Khoja Ahmed Yassavi architectural complex located in Turkestan, Kazakhstan.

Professors and teachers on a business trip in Kazakhstan visited the newly established city of Turkistan in order to visit this mausoleum.

Ahmed Yassavi's mausoleum was built in the city of Turkestan at the end of the 14th century by order of Sahibqiron Amir Temur. Ahmad Yassavi building in Turkestan is a view of medieval architecture. It is a pseudonym named after Ahmed Yassavi (in the sense of coming from Yassin), an ancient Turkic-speaking poet who created in the 12th century, and who preached sophism.