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G.N. Tavaldiyeva, assistant professor of the department "Uzbek language and professional education" of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, visited the Osh State University of the Kyrgyz Republic.

G.N. Tavaldiyeva, associate professor of the "Uzbek language and professional education" department of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, on November 9-13, 2023, at Osh State University of the Kyrgyz Republic, to develop mutual cooperation in the field of philological education and went on a business trip to exchange experience. 

On November 9, G.N. Tavaldiyeva spoke with Abduvaliyev Abdigani Osmonovich, head of the International Relations Department of OSU, regarding her assignment as the international relations coordinator of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology with OSU. handed over the Memorandum on cooperation between the educational institution for approval.

At the same time, G.N. Tavaldieva spoke with Arapbayev Ruslanbek Nurmamatovich, Vice-Rector of Scientific Affairs of OshDU on the "Science Uzbekistan" Turkey-Uzbekistan international scientific cooperation project. He agreed to participate in the "3rd International Congress of Modern Knowledge" to be held at TKTI in March 2024 as a partner HEI. At the same time, R.N. Arapbayev is currently indexed in the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RINS), an international multi-disciplinary "OshDU News" ("Vestnik OshGU"), which publishes articles in the fields of natural, humanitarian, economic, social and other sciences. ») gave information about the magazine.

In the agricultural sector of the journal: agronomy, veterinary and zootechnical issues; Issues of philology; Issues of oriental studies; issues of history; Legal issues; Problems of chemistry, biology, geography; Problems of mathematics, physics, technical sciences; Issues of pedagogy, psychology; Economic issues; Separate issues on medical issues are published, and the main results of scientific works in their respective fields are covered in a timely and qualitative manner. In his speech, R.N. Arapbaev noted that it is possible to use the scientific journal of OshDU to increase the level of citations to the scientific works of professors and teachers of the two universities.

Metadata of articles published in the journal is registered in CrossRef, and each author's article is assigned a DOI - Digital Object Identifier, which is used for citations, references, and electronic document access. Electronic versions of journal materials are openly posted on,

After that Tavaldiyeva G.N. Visiting the Faculty of Philology of OSU, where the Dean of the Faculty of Russian Philology, Doctor of Philology, Professor G.A. Madmarova, Head of the Department "Methodology of Teaching Russian Language and Literature" N.Kh. Bekmukhamedova, Dean of the Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology and Journalism, Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor N.O.Turganbayev talked with the head of the interfaculty "Kyrgyz language" department associate professor Z.J.Karazakovalar about cooperation in the field, exchange of experience in language teaching. On April 6, 2018, specific plans were drawn up to further expand and develop the goals of cooperation established with the departments of "Kyrgyz language education", "Metodika obucheniya russkogo yazyka i literatury" and "Practicheskiy kurs russkogo yazyka i kultury rechi".

G. Tavaldieva also visited the "Uzbek language and literature" center opened under the Faculty of Kyrgyz Philology and Journalism of OshSU, got acquainted with the work carried out there and agreed to establish relations with the center in the future.