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Environmental rights are highly expressed in the new Constitution

Yesterday, at the initiative of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Tashkent and the Tashkent City Council of the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan, the draft of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and the contents of the Referendum legislation - a roundtable discussion was held with ecologists to explain its essence.

It was attended by members of the Central Council of the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan, representatives of the Tashkent city party organization, management and employees of the Tashkent City Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, and members of the "Youth Wing" party.

At the event, members of the Central Council of the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan, vice-rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Khairulla Pulatov and the head of the Institute's Department of Industrial Ecology Farrukh Igitov spoke and spoke about the idea of "For Human Value" and the current The main principle of our reforms is the "Man-Society-State" approach, which is deeply embedded in the content of our newly updated Constitution, and the significant part of the norms included in the draft of the Constitutional Law relate to the basic rights, freedoms and duties of people and citizens. They emphasized that his pride and pride are at the highest level in all areas.

Including, environmental rights are included in the 9th chapter of the project, global climate changes in nature, the situation related to the drying up of the Aral Sea are becoming more and more acute, and environmental issues are reflected in our Basic Law due to the fact that environmental security has become an extremely urgent issue. they admitted.

In particular, in Article 49 of our Constitution, measures are taken by the state to protect and restore the ecological system of the Aral Bay region, and to develop it socially and economically.

the global ecological problem that has arisen in the island region has a negative impact on the way of life of the region's inhabitants. Therefore, Uzbekistan is paying special attention to eliminating the consequences of the Arol problem. In particular, 1.8 million hectares of the bottom of the Aral Sea have been reforested since 2018. Also, they are implementing large-scale projects aimed at protecting the complex ecological situation of the island and the archipelago, protecting the population's gene pool, improving their health, and ensuring sustainable development in this area.

The establishment of this norm in the Constitution ensures the creation of decent living conditions for the residents of the region and a serious improvement of the standard of living, a package of additional benefits is used for all professionals, primarily representatives of the social sector, and environmental protection of business structures and non-governmental non-profit organizations. there will be an opportunity to actively participate in various projects aimed at

Also, this norm creates constitutional guarantees of maintaining a comfortable and ecologically clean area for our population and future generations, socio-economic support of the population living in the Aral Bay region, reducing unemployment, and providing a comfortable environment for the population to live and develop. .

At the same time, the norms for everyone to have a healthy and comfortable environment and truthful information about its condition sharply increase the responsibility of the subjects and officials who have a strong influence on the environment for nature protection. serves to increase.

Those who spoke at the event called on all environmentalists to take an active part in the referendum on April 30, not being indifferent to the historical document that is a guarantee of our nation's bright future, stable economic development, national happiness and well-being.