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"Constitution in new version in new Uzbekistan"

As you know, on April 30 of this year, an important event will take place in the social and political life of our country. The Constitutional Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan" will be put to the vote in a national referendum.

Therefore, at the moment, various propaganda events and meetings aimed at explaining the content and essence of this political process are being held across the country with the participation of experts in the field, dedicated to the active participation of the population, especially young people, in the adoption of the new version of the Constitution.

One such event was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology in the student residence on the topic of "Constitution in a new version in New Uzbekistan".

At the event, the Ministry of Justice Training Center for Lawyers Professor Doniyor Rahimov, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances N.Sh. Zulyarova, TTJ educators, tutors and students participated.

At the event, a major political event related to the implementation of constitutional reforms through a national referendum will take place in the life of our country and people, every citizen will show his political will through his personal participation in the referendum process, and hold a referendum. procedures were explained.

During the event, it was noted that the new version of the Constitution serves the development of our country, the well-being of our people, and first of all, it defines the idea of "For human dignity" as a priority.

At the end of the event, students received answers to all their questions.