Department of organization of scientific-research activities of talented students

Accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 5, 2018 No. PP-3775 “On additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher educational institutions and ensure their active participation in the comprehensive reforms implemented in the country”, create separate groups in each higher educational institution for the most gifted students selected during the 1st year (the number of students in these groups is determined by the university), from the 2nd year, to train them on the basis of separate curricula and programs, targeted admission of students of this category to the master's program and thereby introduce a system for training qualified personnel for the departments of universities, attract and direct talented students to targeted scientific activities at the institute, coordinate the work carried out in this direction at the departments and faculties


Xodjayeva Nargiza Nigmanovna |
Head of the department
  • Xodjayeva Nargiza Nigmanovna
  • +99899 845-66-10

-Identification of talented students of specialized departments, and their involvement in research work;  

-Ensuring the constant participation of talented youth in research work and circles operating at the departments.  

-Creation of conditions for the disclosure of the intellectual potential of talented students to obtain high-quality knowledge and develop their abilities;  

-Involvement of qualified teaching staff in individual work with gifted students;

-Recommendation and provision of attracting talented students to research work in the areas of science development;  

-Encourage talented young people and their leaders to achieve results in scientific research;  

-Recommending and ensuring the participation of gifted students for the state scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and nominal state scholarships;

-Organizing and ensuring the constant participation of talented youth in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, scientific olympiads and Start-Up competitive projects held at the international and national levels;  

-Ensuring the publication of information about talented students and their activities on the official website of the Institute; 
