The Department of Internationalization and Transformation is a structural unit of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, which coordinates the processes of internationalization and transformation of the institute based on foreign experience.
The Department of Internationalization and Transformation ensures the promotion and recognition of the Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute in the international educational arena , the integration of the institute into the international scientific and educational space, and assists in the internationalization of the institute and its successful positioning as an international scientific research and educational institution.
Target characteristics:
- international educational and research center;
- the share of foreign citizens in the total number of students;
- establishing active cooperation with foreign universities, scientific organizations and high-tech enterprises within the framework of contractual relations;
- a multilingual educational environment with a high proportion of foreign professors and researchers in the total number of professors;
- the number of students and staff participating in international internships and academic programs;
- regular holding of events of various profiles with broad international participation;
- broad membership in international institutional networks and associations ;
- inclusion of the institute in prestigious international academic rankings Times Higher Education, Quacquarelli Symonds, UI GreenMetric and others , inclusion in the “TOP-1000” in the rankings of higher education organizations;
- international accreditation of institutes and educational areas.
The Department of Internationalization and Transformation consists of the Department of International Cooperation and Protocol and the Department of International Ranking, Accreditation and Transformation.
The Department of Internationalization and Transformation coordinates the activities of the Institute and its structural divisions, professors, teachers, staff and students with foreign countries, including foreign higher education institutions and centers, as well as the educational and work activities of foreign students and teachers at the Institute.
The Department of Internationalization and Transformation operates in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees of the President, resolutions and orders , resolutions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers; ensures and coordinates the implementation of the tasks of international cooperation of the higher educational institution, as well as coordinates the activities of the divisions included in its structure, provides material and moral incentives for its employees, ensures social protection, makes proposals for the application of disciplinary measures; is responsible for the development of proposals for strengthening international cooperation of the higher educational institution, etc.
The Department of Internationalization and Transformation defines the following priority tasks in order of priority:
1) an increase in the number of educational programs and projects implemented jointly with foreign partners, including scientific and commercialization projects, double-degree and network educational programs;
2) ensuring growth in the number of foreign citizens studying at TKTI; strengthening the institution’s position in the international educational services market, including entering new geographic markets abroad;
3) development of international cooperation in the field of fundamental and applied research, including cooperation between scientists, creation of joint laboratories and centers with foreign partners; collective use of scientific and technical resources , implementation of joint grant projects ;
4) expansion of the number of international academic mobility programs for scientific and pedagogical staff in the form of internships, advanced training, professional retraining and other forms;
5) Planning and implementation of the Institute’s entry into the TOP-1000 internationally recognized rankings of QS, THE, ARWU, GreenMetric and other international rankings.
6) Collection, analysis and provision of requested information about the institute to international ranking companies. Submission of proposals and initiatives for the formation of a database.
7) Constant updating of the information provided , comparison with information from rating companies and, if necessary, provision of updated information to rating agencies .
8) Establishing relationships with journals recognized by authoritative international rating agencies.
9) Research, analysis and presentation of statistics of articles published in internationally recognized scientific journals by the Institute’s staff in accordance with the recommendations of international ranking companies .
10) Providing information about the International Ranking Agency to the faculties and departments of the Institute , using their activities to improve the rating of the Institute .
11) Determining the position of faculties and departments in the institute’s ranking.
12) Active participation in various webinars, seminars and conferences organized by international ranking agencies.
Department of Internationalization and Transformation coordinates cooperation with all structural divisions, faculties, departments of the institute and foreign higher education institutions and centers , and in carrying out its activities carries out :
· Coordination, organization and control of international cooperation at the level of departments and institutions that ensure the process of international relations;
· Organization of international conferences, symposia and meetings, management of international projects and scientific works, generalization of advanced methodological experience and development of recommendations for the implementation of results;
· In order to improve the content of education, ensure the training of specialists based on international requirements, prepare proposals for the creation of faculties and departments in cooperation with similar higher educational institutions in foreign countries;
· Ensure the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel through master's and postgraduate education at the institute, provide assistance to foreign employees of the university in the timely receipt of academic titles and the opening of specialized councils;
· Management and facilitation of the processes of searching, selecting and working with foreign talented youth;
· Participation in the formation and approval of the topic, the content of foreign grants together with the international department, coordination of all international projects and grants , holding and monitoring scientific conferences ;
· Organization of international educational exhibitions and symposiums abroad and in Uzbekistan, active participation in them.
A new stage of cooperation in science and technology